
Latest News

Researchers Discover Major Roadblock In Alleviating Network Congestion

Algorithms designed to ensure multiple users share a network fairly can’t prevent some users from hogging all the bandwidth.

In-Home Wireless Device Tracks Disease Progression In Parkinson’s Patients

By continuously monitoring a patient’s gait speed, the system can assess the condition’s severity between visits to the doctor’s office.

Learning On The Edge

A new technique enables AI models to continually learn from new data on intelligent edge devices like smartphones and sensors, reducing energy costs and privacy risks.

Deep Learning With Light

A new method uses optics to accelerate machine-learning computations on smart speakers and other low-power connected devices.

Building With Nanoparticles, From The Bottom Up

Researchers develop a technique for precisely arranging nanoscale particles on a surface, such as a silicon chip, that doesn’t damage the material.

Using Sound To Model The World

This machine-learning system can simulate how a listener would hear a sound from any point in a room.

Machine Learning Facilitates “Turbulence Tracking” In Fusion Reactors

A new approach sheds light on the behavior of turbulent structures that can affect the energy generated during fusion reactions, with implications for reactor design.

A Far-Sighted Approach To Machine Learning

New system can teach a group of cooperative or competitive AI agents to find an optimal long-term solution.

A Simpler Path To Better Computer Vision

New research reveals a scalable technique that uses synthetic data to improve the accuracy of AI models that recognize images.

New Device Can Control Light At Unprecedented Speeds

Researchers have developed a programmable optical device for high-speed beam steering.

Breaking The Scaling Limits Of Analog Computing

New technique could diminish errors that hamper the performance of super-fast analog optical neural networks.

Computational System Streamlines The Design Of Fluidic Devices

This computational tool can generate an optimal design for a complex fluidic device such as a combustion engine or a hydraulic pump.

Computers That Power Self-Driving Cars Could Be A Huge Driver Of Global Carbon Emissions

Study shows that if autonomous vehicles are widely adopted, hardware efficiency will need to advance rapidly to keep computing-related emissions in check.

When Should Data Scientists Try A New Technique?

A new measure can help scientists decide which estimation method to use when modeling a particular data problem.

Solving A Machine-Learning Mystery

A new study shows how large language models like GPT-3 can learn a new task from just a few examples, without the need for any new training data.

Efficient Technique Improves Machine-Learning Models’ Reliability

The method enables a model to determine its confidence in a prediction, while using no additional data and far fewer computing resources than other methods.

Augmented Reality Headset Enables Users To See Hidden Objects

The device could help workers locate objects for fulfilling e-commerce orders or identify parts for assembling products.

New Method Accelerates Data Retrieval In Huge Databases

Researchers used machine learning to build faster and more efficient hash functions, which are a key component of databases.

Resilient Bug-Sized Robots Keep Flying Even After Wing Damage

New repair techniques enable microscale robots to recover flight performance after suffering severe damage to the artificial muscles that power their wings.

3D-Printed Revolving Devices Can Sense How They Are Moving

A new system enables makers to incorporate sensors into gears and other rotational mechanisms with just one pass in a 3D printer.