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Let The Animals Eat Macadamia Nut Cake

When macadamia nut oil is processed, what’s left is a byproduct called macadamia nut cake (MNC). Until recently, MNC was considered a waste product and therefore, went straight to the landfill.

High-Tech Detection Determines Pineapple Harvest Needs

In a new study funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Small Business Innovation Research program, researchers in the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, IntelinAir, Inc. and Columbia University are investigating whether remote sensing and computer vision can help pineapple growers carry out regular inspection of the field and automated counting of flower intensity.

Climate Change, Bats Linked To COVID-19 Pandemic

Global greenhouse gas emissions over the last century have made southern China a hotspot for bat-borne coronaviruses, by driving growth of forest habitat favored by bats

Why Do Some Corals Resist Bleaching?

Coral reefs are facing threats that are driving their decline, including the planet’s warming waters.

Turtles Face ‘Daunting Future’ Due To Climate Change, Other Factors

Turtles worldwide face a grim future and may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of habitat destruction and climate change.

Loved Ones Essential In Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander Health Care

For many Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders with chronic health conditions, health interventions should include their family members or close friends, according to University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa public health research.

COVID-19 Has Changed Transportation Around The World

The worldwide impacts of COVID-19 on transportation planning and transport operations are covered in an academic journal’s special issue edited by a University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa faculty member.

Patent-Pending Tech Extracts Energy From Fresh, Salt Water

A game-changing discovery by University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa researchers reveals a more efficient method of extracting energy when freshwater and saltwater mix

Facts About COVID-19, Post-Pandemic Life Highlighted In Journal

A comprehensive review of the COVID-19 pandemic, led by University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center researcher Michele Carbone, was published in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology.

Ocean Surface Slicks Create Superhighway For Diverse Fishes

To survive the open ocean, tiny fish larvae must find food, avoid predators and navigate ocean currents to their adult habitats.

Native Hawaiian Groups Meet Community Need During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened many of the problems faced by Native Hawaiian communities, but in a new paper, public health researchers detail the numerous efforts of Native Hawaiian-led groups that show these communities’ strength and resilience.

Non-Native Birds Take Over Oʻahu, Alter Seed Dispersal

The introduction of invasive, non-native species to Hawaiʻi has made the islands one of the most altered ecosystems on the planet

Patient-Centered Care During COVID-19 Promoted

The COVID-19 pandemic has diminished people’s ability to make in-person, human connections, and such relationships are especially important in health care.

Longevity Gene Reduces Risk Of Death For Men With Some Chronic Diseases

Chronic cardiometabolic diseases of aging such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure increase the risks of death and a shorter lifespan

Rocky Planet Discovered Around One Of The Galaxy’s Oldest Stars

Almost all of the planets discovered to date (including the solar system planets) are confined to the plane of the Milky Way, and are unable to glimpse a sweeping vista of our galaxy

Planets Can Shrink? UH Astronomers Find New Evidence

From centuries of studying the planets within our solar system, astronomers have wondered how planets form and evolve to become the ones we observe today.

Newly Discovered Threaded Protein Class Explained

A recently discovered protein structure that controls the protein’s function and influences human health has been explained by University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa researchers.

Preventing Spread Of COVID-19 Earlier Saves Lives

Rates of mortality from COVID-19 are lower in areas where public health measures aimed at preventing the spread of the disease were implemented earlier in the outbreak, according to a study from University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa public health researchers. The findings are published in PLOS ONE.

Purple Pigments Discovered In Puhi Bay Sponge

Cosmetics, food supplements, pharmaceuticals and textile dyes are just a few of the many uses of natural pigments.

Urgent Need To Preserve Wetlands To Prevent Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The carbon balance in peatlands worldwide may shift from a sink (absorbing carbon) to a source (releasing carbon) this century primarily due to human impacts across the tropics, according to a paper published in Nature Climate Change by a multidisciplinary team of scientists, including Dave Beilman, associate professor of geography and environment in the College of Social Sciences.