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Infectious SARS-CoV-2 Found in Hospital Air

Quebec scientists have succeeded in isolating infectious particles of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from air samples collected from hospital rooms of COVID-19 patients and kept frozen for more than a year, a new study shows.

In Two Places at Once

Anyone with a high-school diploma knows about Newton's law of universal gravitation: it's that the gravitation force behaves like 1 over the distance squared as you separate from a gravitating mass.

Cyclists Born at High Altitudes Tend to Perform Better

A commonsense observation has now been scientifically demonstrated: cyclists born at high altitudes tend to perform better.

Brain Cancer: Serious Consequences for Young Survivors

From neurological problems to hearing loss and infertility, survivors of medulloblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer, are left with severe physical and cognitive impairments and have an overall mortality rate 21 times higher than the general population.

Can Pharmacies Offer Frontline Support to Victims of Intimate Partner Violence?

Can pharmacists be valuable allies for victims of intimate partner violence (IPV)? Can they identify victims, assess the danger they’re in and help them find the right resources?

Colorectal Cancer and E. Coli: New Insights

In Quebec, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men and the third in women.

The Genome of a Lost Crop Is Explored

Climate change is disrupting agriculture around the globe, and as the weather becomes less predictable, farmers and policy-makers are scrambling to make sure that people not only have enough to eat, but also that they get the most nutritious foods available.

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes in Young People Is Possible Without Medication

Ten minutes of physical activity a day or less screen time is all it takes to delay the onset of type 2 diabetes and slow its development in youth, according to a study led by Université de Montréal clinical associate professor Dr Mélanie Henderson, a pediatrician,

Alcohol During Pregnancy: Drinking Too Much in the First Week Is Risky

Excessive alcohol consumption in the first week of pregnancy poses risks to the unborn child – but having a healthy diet rich in nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin B12, choline and betaine could reduce some of its effects, a new Canadian study reveals.

COVID-19 Affects the Mental Health of Pregnant Women

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected Canadian women’s mental health both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, confirms the CONCEPTION study led by Anick Bérard, researcher at CHU Sainte-Justine and professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Université de Montréal.

Does Grief Depend on How the Loved One Died?

Is the grief experience different for individuals who have lost a loved one by medical assistance in dying (MAiD) compared to natural death with palliative care (NDPC)?

Regenerating the Heart After an Attack

Heart attacks are damaging, and the severity depends on how long blood flow has been interrupted; when temporarily deprived of oxygen, heart cells die.

How Does the Brain Learn?

Everyone knows the human brain is extremely complex – but how does it learn, exactly? Well, the answer may be a lot simpler than commonly believed.

Opioid Use Disorder: Flexible Treatment At Home Proves Effective

Did you know that more than 26,500 Canadians died from opioid intoxication between January 2016 and September 2021?

Towards A Cure For Lymphoma: New Research Brings Hope

New light is being shed on the mechanisms underlying the malignant transformation of lymphomas, paving the way for a promising therapeutic target, thanks to research conducted by a team led by Université de Montréal professor Tarik Möröy.

Fighting Climate Change With Deep-Sea Water

Marine biologists have long known the power of microbes to transform carbon released by surface phytoplankton - algae on the surface of the sea - into more stable molecules.

Out Of Tune: When Words Get In The Way

Ever notice when someone’s singing out of key? Like when you’re in a karaoke bar and your best friend belts out her favorite Adele track but woefully misses the mark?

Video Games: Posing In 3D

What’s the best way to get 3D characters in videogames to look real and expressive? Two computer scientists at Université de Montréal have come up with answer: use simple bitmap sketches to make their poses more lifelike.

COVID-19 Can Be Less Stressful For The LGBTQ+

For lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) people, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a lot of inequities faced by their community to the fore, including the precarious state of their mental health.

An Extrasolar World Covered In Water?

An international team of researchers led by Charles Cadieux, a Ph.D. student at the Université de Montréal and member of the Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx), has announced the discovery of TOI-1452 b,