UH Study Finds Industry Still Facing Massive Post-Pandemic Labor Shortage
Caregiver Attention Must Be Paid
Microbiome Therapeutic Tackles C. Diff, the Most Common Health Care-Associated Infectious Agent in the U.S.
Medieval doctors saw fertility as having a cut-off point rather than slowly declining with age, ancient medical texts show
Analysing the style of language used by social groups could offer insight into their values and principles that goes beyond what they publicly say about themselves.
The majority of people support robust action being taken to control the spread of harmful misinformation via social media, a major new study reveals.
Controlling Crystal Growth Has Implications for Array of Medicines
Research Also Saw No Measurable Benefits From Video Games That Claim to Help Kids’ Development
Innovation Gives Researchers Inside View of How Batteries Work
Texas A&M Researchers are applying metal additive manufacturing techniques to embed a hidden cache of information within products to help combat counterfeited goods.
A damselfly species that came to the UK from Europe poses a minimal risk to native damselflies and dragonflies, new research shows.
To understand how plants respond to and influence their environments, ecologists often use a series of standardized measurements called functional traits.
A large study looking at the effects of fertility treatment has found no robust difference in blood pressure, heart rate, lipids, and glucose measurements between children conceived naturally and those conceived using assisted reproductive technologies (ART).
Researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered a way of improving the accuracy of medical needle-use in surgical simulation.
A new way to reduce progression of diabetic kidney disease, affecting 40% of people with diabetes, has been discovered by scientists.
Researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered an alloy that shows increased strength at over -250°C, making it the toughest material on record.
The majority of people support robust action being taken to control the spread of harmful misinformation via social media, a major new study reveals.
The Texas A&M AgriLife research could revolutionize antimicrobial treatment in commercial beef production.
Scientists are testing Raman spectroscopy, a technique used to detect vibrations at the molecular level, as a diagnostic tool for Lyme disease.
Texas A&M biologist Alex Keene and colleagues prove the gene Pig-Q is associated with sleep regulation in humans, flies and zebrafish.