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On The Tiniest Of Scales, Chemistry Isn’t All About “Billiard-Ball” Reactions

University of Missouri chemists reveal hidden behaviors of chemical reactions by studying roaming molecules in the quantum realm.

Study: BPA exposure of the placenta could affect fetal brain development

University of Missouri scientists examine how the transfer of bisphenol A (BPA) from mother to child could affect fetal brain development.

‘Binocular’ Treatment Helps with a Common Vision Problem. Sleep Makes It Stick.

Amblyopia, sometimes called lazy eye, is a common vision problem in children and babies, and it’s typically been treated by having the child wear a patch on the stronger eye, with the goal of improving sight for the weaker eye.

Scientists reduce noise in quantum signals as way to boost accuracy of measurements

The nature of quantum computing is such that the noise that is part of the process can throw off measurements, thus increasing the error range.

Human Rights a Thing of the Past? Google Says: No

Recently, scholars have expressed doubt that the language of human rights still animates the global fight for better living conditions.