Charité University Medicine Berlin website

Protein biomarker panels enhance diagnosis and treatment response

The use of protein biomarker panels, as opposed to individual markers, has the potential to improve precision medicine by providing a more comprehensive understanding of human physiology, according to an EMBO Press research report from March 20. Nonetheless, the integration of proteomics into clinical practice encounters obstacles, with targeted mass spectrometric assays emerging as a promising solution due to their adaptability and cost-effectiveness.

Current Science Daily Report
Oct 5, 2023

The use of protein biomarker panels, as opposed to individual markers, has the potential to improve precision medicine by providing a more comprehensive understanding of human physiology, according to an EMBO Press research report from March 20. Nonetheless, the integration of proteomics into clinical practice encounters obstacles, with targeted mass spectrometric assays emerging as a promising solution due to their adaptability and cost-effectiveness.

According to the research, protein biomarker panels, rather than individual markers, provide a holistic perspective on human physiology, with the potential to advance precision medicine by improving diagnostic accuracy, prognostic insights and the ability to differentiate responders from nonresponders. Despite the availability of various proteomic methods for analyzing these panels, the integration of proteomics into clinical practice has encountered limitations. The commentary underscores the significance of quantitative protein biomarker panels in clinical medicine and underscores the obstacles that must be overcome to select and seamlessly integrate them into clinical protocols to unlock their medical promise.

The research reported that quantitative protein biomarker panels are of great importance in clinical medicine, offering the promise of improved precision in diagnoses, prognoses and the differentiation of treatment responses. Although various proteomic methods are available for assessing these panels, their adoption in clinical practice has been restricted. The commentary emphasized the importance of acknowledging the value of these panels and highlighted the imperative to overcome challenges in their selection and integration into clinical workflows.   

According to the EMBO Press research report, to advance the translation of proteomics into routine clinical applications, the report advocated for the use of targeted mass spectrometric assays, emphasizing their flexibility, cost-effectiveness, independence from affinity reagents and seamless integration into existing laboratory workflows. This technology holds promise in overcoming the hurdles associated with integrating protein biomarker panels into clinical practice, enabling more effective precision medicine applications.        

EMBO Press: Johannes Hartl, et al., Quantitative protein biomarker panels: a path to improved clinical practice through proteomics, EMBO Mol Med (2023)15:e16061 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15252/emmm.202216061