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Research reveals stochastic damage overrides initial conditions in cell death timelines

Researchers concluded that cell lifespans under stress are dictated more by random damage than by starting conditions, with chance playing a diminishing role as cells age. The study by Yifan Yang, Omer Karin, Uri Alon and several others was published on April 18.

Current Science Daily Report
Nov 9, 2023

Researchers concluded that cell lifespans under stress are dictated more by random damage than by starting conditions, with chance playing a diminishing role as cells age. The study by Yifan Yang, Omer Karin, Uri Alon and several others was published on April 18.

A study on E. coli cells challenges the understanding of cellular death timing by showing that despite being genetically identical and in similar stress conditions, cells meet their end at varied times. While two theories exist—one suggesting that unique initial states influence death, and the other proposing that a random build-up of damage is the cause—direct measurement of these factors in cells has been scant, the study stated.

In the study, utilizing microfluidic technology, researchers monitored individual E. coli cells under starvation to decipher the impact of initial conditions versus random damage on death timing. Reportedly, observations confirmed that the risk of death escalates with age following a well-known biological law. Despite hypotheses that initial cellular conditions could predict lifespan, the study found minimal correlation, pointing instead toward a random damage accumulation model as the key to understanding lifespan variability.

According to the study, it was uncovered that as E. coli cells aged, the randomness of damage accumulation diminished, leading to a more deterministic pattern of cell death. The study states that this suggests that while cells start with varying levels of damage and are subject to the whims of chance, over time, a more predictable and deterministic mechanism takes precedence, overriding initial disparities and shaping the trajectory toward death.

Nature: Yifan Yang, et al., Damage dynamics and the role of chance in the timing of E. coli cell death, Nature Communications (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-37930-x