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Artificial Intelligence Model Finds Potential Drug Molecules a Thousand Times Faster

A geometric deep-learning model is faster and more accurate than state-of-the-art computational models, reducing the chances and costs of drug trial failures.

‘Democratic AI’ Makes More Favoured Economic Policy Decisions

The research addresses a question that has divided opinions among philosophers, economists and political scientists for many years

UAH Collaboration Creates Self-Learning Ai Platform to Discover New Drugs

A cross-college collaboration at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) has developed a self-learning artificial intelligence (AI) platform

Building Explainability into the Components of Machine-Learning Models

Researchers develop tools to help data scientists make the features used in machine-learning models more understandable for end users.

The Heat Is On: Weizmann Institute Scientists Uncover Traces of Fire Dating Back At Least 800,000 Years

Using advanced AI techniques, the researchers discover one of the earliest pieces of evidence for the use of fire

Artificial Intelligence On The Hunt For Illegal Nuclear Material

College of Engineering researchers have discovered artificial intelligence can accurately identify critical attributes of nuclear materials.

Dexterous Robotic Hands Manipulate Thousands of Objects with Ease

Model-free framework reorients over 2,000 diverse objects with a hand facing both upward and downward, in a step toward more human-like manipulation.

AI Detects Autism Speech Patterns Across Different Languages

Breakthrough offers possible clues to diagnosis, understanding of condition

Artificial Neural Networks Model Face Processing in Autism

A new computational model could explain differences in recognizing facial emotions.

Pioneering Study Identifies Global Dynamics of Antibiotic Resistance

Scientists have used ideas from artificial intelligence to identify patterns of antibiotic resistance around the world.

When AI Is the Inventor Who Gets the Patent?

The day is coming -- some say has already arrived -- when new inventions that benefit society are dreamt up by artificial intelligence all on its own.

AI Predicts Infant Age, Gender Based on Temperament

t’s hard to tell the difference between a newborn boy and girl based solely on temperament characteristics such as the baby’s propensity to display fear, smile or laugh. But once babies reach around a year old that begins to change.

How to Build an ‘Explainable AI’ Framework to Speed Up the Innovation Process

A nearly $4.9 million grant from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is supporting the project by University of Missouri engineers.

Using AI to Analyze Large Amounts of Biological Data

University of Missouri researchers develop method which could be used by scientists when developing new drug therapies for medical treatment of cancers, other diseases.

Can Artificial Intelligence Overcome the Challenges of the Health Care System?

MIT and Mass General Brigham researchers and physicians connect in person to bring AI into mainstream health care.

Automated Analysis of Animal Behavior

Researchers have developed a new method that uses artificial intelligence to analyze animal behavior.

A Smarter Way to Develop New Drugs

A new artificial intelligence technique only proposes candidate molecules that can actually be produced in a lab.

Sci-Fi Imagery Linked to Artificial Intelligence Tells the Wrong Story

Humanoids and other illustrations inspired by science fiction in connection with stories about artificial intelligence may seem harmless, but using them year after year to illustrate the topic can be detrimental.

A New Professorship in Artificial Intelligence Enabled by Substantial Donations to the Natural Sciences

Thanks to large donations to the natural sciences, the University of Helsinki will establish a professorship in artificial intelligence.

AlphaFold drastically improves artificial intelligence-predicted protein structures

An artificial intelligence system known as AlphaFold has enabled an unprecedented expansion of the knowledge of the structure of tens of thousands of previously unmapped proteins, based merely on their amino acid sequences.