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Rice University engineers find more accurate way to determine wastewater content

A new study from engineers at Rice University shows composite samples taken over a 24-hour period from an urban wastewater plant are far more accurate than testing a sample of wastewater to determine the level of antibiotic-resistant genes (ARGs) present.

Scientists discover groundbreaking information when it comes to climate change and organic carbon burial beneath oceans

A team of scientists from across the world has published a first-of-its-kind study of organic carbon that falls to the bottom of the ocean and ends up deep inside the planet.

Artefacts Made Of Bird Feathers, Plant Fibres And Fur Buried With A Child In The Mesolithic Stone Age

On the basis of archaeological research, it was possible to identify human remains as a child who may have been laid on a bed of down in a Stone Age burial site discovered under a gravel road in eastern Finland. There may also have been a canid at the child’s feet.

Missouri, Indiana professors trace talk of recession to misleading financial statements

Researchers from the University of Missouri and Indiana University believe an early warning sign about an impending recession could be traced to misleading financial statements submitted by companies.

U. of Missouri study: Mix of veteran staff, energetic new workers boost holiday season sales

Researchers at the University of Missouri have found that businesses can successfully attract new customers during the holiday shopping season by using a combination of experienced staff and enthusiastic new employees.

NIH grant to help U. of Missouri study how young students can perform better in math

A four-year $2.1 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will help researchers at the University of Missouri create a Learning Disabilities Innovation Hub.

A New Upper Limit On The Mass Of Neutrinos

Researchers with the KATRIN experiment determine that neutrinos are lighter than 0.8 eV/c2.

Washington State U. study: Sustainable fertilizer production method proves cost-effective

A Washington State University study has found that sustainable methods to produce synthetic ammonia for fertilizer can be cost competitive with the current, fossil-fuel based method, creating a commercial option that can reduce carbon emissions.

Washington State U. study suggests Mayans utilized market-based economics

A new study in Latin American Antiquity by Washington State University (WSU) has shown that the ruling Mayan K’iche’ elite took more of a hands-off approach to trade than archaeologists previously thought.

Washington State U. team develops cost-cutting method for wearable electronics

Researchers from Washington State University (WSU) have developed a cheaper method for creating flexible, wearable electronics using screen printing, a new study shows.

Washington State U. study details 'landscape of fear' caused by humans in wildlife settings

A recent study published by Washington State University (WSU) and the U.S. National Park Service reveals that human presence can create a "landscape of fear" like other apex predators in areas rich with wildlife, according to a WSU Insider article published Jan. 19.

Neurons Are Fickle. Electric Fields Are More Reliable For Information.

Electric fields may represent information held in working memory, allowing the brain to overcome “representational drift,” or the inconsistent participation of individual neurons.

No-Till Farming Study Shows Benefit to Midwestern Land Values

No-till farming, considered to be a more environmentally friendly farming practice that reduces soil disturbance when compared with conventional practices, appears to have an important benefit besides reducing soil erosion and nutrient runoff.

Researchers Track Twitter to Learn What People Value in New York City Parks

North Carolina State University researchers found they could use Twitter to understand changes in what New York City park users valued most about four iconic city parks before and after COVID-19 lockdowns went into effect.

Belonging Helps Black, Latino Students Feel Engaged

A new study led by a North Carolina State University researcher found that a group of predominantly Black and Latino sixth-graders reported they were more likely to pay attention, work hard and participate in class discussions when they felt a greater sense of belonging in those classes.

Longer Wait For Some Forms Of Cancer Diagnosis For Black And Asian Patients

Black and Asian patients are waiting up to a month longer than White patients for some forms of cancer diagnosis from the point at which they first seek medical help, new research has found.

New Method Of Measuring Economic Inequality Could Improve Policy Outcomes

Social scientists have urged policy-makers and governments to rethink how income inequality is measured.

U. of Virginia study: Digital help apps can assist women who suffer menstrual symptoms

A recent survey by University of Virginia Health found that 42.5% of women in the United States suffer from menstrual symptoms, requiring them to take multiple days off from work.

Research shows when processing misinformation, British voters divide along party lines, not Brexit

Political affiliation could be a greater influence on British voters than their stand on Brexit, especially amid potential misinformation, according to a recent study by the University of Bristol and the University of Western Australia.

U. of Wisconsin study: 'Online racial discrimination, harassment represent unique risk for teenagers of color'

Online racial discrimination or harassment has a negative effect on the academic and emotional well-being of students of color, according to a new study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison.