Two to three weeks after conception, an embryo faces a critical point in its development. In the stage known as gastrulation, the transformation of embryonic cells into specialized cells begins.
Many vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and pulmonary hypertension are irreversible.
From wearable devices to artificial intelligence, the health care world has seen a boom in new digital health technologies.
Since the introduction of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines, there has been an ongoing debate about whether vaccinations or natural immunity provide superior protection.
Last year, the Biden administration loosened regulations for buprenorphine, making the life-saving medication used to treat opioid addiction more accessible.
Preeclampsia is a dangerous complication during pregnancy that endangers both the mother and fetus, but clinicians still don’t have an effective way of predicting who will develop it.
Anorexia nervosa (AN) is the deadliest psychiatric illness aside from opioid use disorder, with scarce effective treatment options.
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common potentially lethal genetic disease—about a half million people in the United States alone suffer from the condition.
As many as 90 percent of those who take levothyroxine [Synthroid] may have been unnecessarily prescribed the hypothyroidism medication.
Pulmonary hypertension, or high blood pressure in the lungs, is a common complication of interstitial lung disease, an array of conditions that cause scarring of the lungs.
Each person has about 4 million sequence differences in their genome relative to the reference human genome.
In 2012, Michael Cruz exercised a lot. Four years into a 15-year prison sentence, this was one of the only things he had, he says, until he noticed a numb, tingling sensation in one of his toes while working out.
The constant evolution of new COVID-19 variants makes it critical for clinicians to have multiple therapies in their arsenal for treating drug-resistant infections.
To understand how cells behave, researchers also need to understand the molecules that make them work.
Anew study brings precision to the understanding of which antibiotics work best for acne treatment and why.
Delirium is a transient but serious condition that complicates as many as one in five hospitalizations, and those living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are especially at risk.
In a new study from INSPIRE (Innovative Support for Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infections Registry), researchers compared new and ongoing symptoms and outcomes in both COVID-positive and COVID-negative adults who were tested because of acute COVID-19-like symptoms.
Tourette syndrome (TS) is a common disorder characterized by uncontrollable motor or vocal tics that manifests in childhood and can interfere with school performance, relationships, and quality of life.