
It’s Complicated: People Emotionally Tied to Robots Can Undermine Relationships with Co-Workers

Robots have helped humans in countless work environments to a point that the latter—in some cases—developed strong emotional bonds with them.

Brain Neurons Identified in Pre-Sleep Routine

When we are stressed or excited, it can be difficult for us to fall asleep—and finding ways to wind down prior to sleep is a habit of many.

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Mentioning ‘White Privilege’ Increases Online Polarization

If there’s an online discussion about race, using the term “white privilege” can create a polarized situation, say University of Michigan researchers.

Moderating Online Content Increases Accountability, but Can Harm Some Platform Users

Marginalized social media users face disproportionate content removal from platforms, but the visibility of this online moderation is a double-edged sword.

Health Care Artificial Intelligence Gets Biased Data Creating Unequal Care

Like many sectors, health care has benefited from the rising use of artificial intelligence, but it has sometimes happened at the expense of minority patients.