Researchers find RNA-guided enzymes are more diverse and widespread than previously believed.
Exploring diversity among bacterial immune systems, McGovern Institute scientists uncovere a programmable system for precisely targeting and modifying RNA.
Dedicated circuits evaluate uncertainty in the brain, preventing it from using unreliable information to make decisions.
When asked to classify odors, artificial neural networks adopt a structure that closely resembles that of the brain’s olfactory circuitry.
Computational modeling shows that both our ears and our environment influence how we hear.
MIT researchers find activating a specific acetylcholine receptor in the brain reduces cocaine use in rodents.
State-of-the-art analysis of brain images from nearly 700 children has turned up surprisingly few links between white matter structure and reading ability.
Cannabinoid receptors help the brain’s dopamine system establish key connections after birth, a new mouse study suggests.
When artificial intelligence is tasked with visually identifying objects and faces, it assigns specific components of its network to face recognition — just like the human brain.
Natural language processing models capture rich knowledge of words’ meanings through statistics.
Rubbing an aching body part can bring some relief. Neuroscientists at MIT's McGovern Institute are looking to find out why.
Postbac Jessica Chomik-Morales hopes to inspire the next generation of Spanish-speaking scientists with her podcast, “Mi Ultima Neurona.”