
Bioinspired delivery device increases lifetime of drugs

A drug delivery device inspired by the teeth of a hookworm can significantly increase the half-life of drugs, researchers have found.

Deletion of Edn signaling genes affects vertebrate-like features in lampreys

New genes that emerged hundreds of millions ago helped vertebrates to become distinct from invertebrates, new research reveals.

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White blood cells can swim, upending previous research, French scientists discover

Lymphocytes, white blood cells crucial to the body's immune system, can swim, according to new research by a team of researchers from various French universities.

The controversy resolved: how ammonium crosses biological membranes

Scientists appear to have cracked the conundrum of how the highly toxic positively charged ammonium ion (NH4+) manages to be transported across a hydrophobic membrane into and out of cells.

Researchers discover 3D chromatin structure may affect the immune response

Researchers studying the body's ability to produce antibodies for defense against novel viruses have found that the 3D structure of chromatin controls which gene segments are available for recombination.

Hiker, paleontologist follow 300-million-year-old fossil footprints to a breakthrough

From a chance glance by a hiker on a storied Grand Canyon trail, a paleontologist and colleagues managed to trace the footsteps of an animal that lived more than 300 million years ago, and unearth a previously unknown — and surprising — evolutionary quirk.

Scientists in Germany combine spectroscopic techniques to vastly improve spatial and temporal resolution

Scientists combining light pulses with traditional microscopy have demonstrated how it is possible to capture vastly clearer images of the quantum world.