
Stress May Trigger Male Defence Against Predators

Only males among the fish species crucian carp have developed a strategy to protect themselves from hungry predators, according to a new study from Lund University in Sweden

Black Swifts Descended Rapidly During Lunar Eclipse

An international research team led by Lund University in Sweden has managed to study the flight behaviour of the mysterious black swift.

Latest News

Metabolism Found To Regulate Production Of Killer Cells

In a recent study from Lund University in Sweden, researchers discovered that metabolic changes affect how blood cells are formed during embryonic development. They found a previously unknown metabolic switch with a key role in how different types of blood cells develop. This means blood cell formation can be directed towards producing natural killer cells in the laboratory to ultimately be used in a new anti-cancer treatment.

Study Uncovers Widespread And Ongoing Clearcutting Of Swedish Old Forests

Almost one fourth of Sweden’s last unprotected old-growth forest was logged between 2003 and 2019.

New Research on Dust Mites and Respiratory Infections

When asthmatics’ respiratory tracts are exposed to dust mites, their immune response becomes less effective, which can lead to a weaker immune system.

Researchers Search for Answers to Increase in Acute Severe Hepatitis in Children

At the end of March, the first cases of acute severe hepatitis of unknown origin in children were reported in the UK.

New Study Indicates Limited Water Circulation Late in the History of Mars

A research team led by Lund University in Sweden has investigated a meteorite from Mars using neutron and X-ray tomography.

Smoking Worsens Prognosis for Men with Prostate Cancer

Smokers have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer, but a higher risk of dying from the disease, according to a large population study led by Lund University in Sweden.

New Knowledge About Airborne Virus Particles Could Help Hospitals

The risk of being exposed to Covid-19 particles increases with shorter physical distance to a patient, higher patient viral load and poor ventilation.

Psychiatric Symptoms in Alzheimer´s Disease

In addition to memory problems and other cognitive symptoms, most people with Alzheimer’s disease also suffer from mental health issues.

How did visitors experience the domestic space in Pompeii?

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have used virtual reality and 3D eye-tracking technology to examine what drew the attention of the visitors when entering the stunning environment of an ancient Roman house.

New precision technology for immunotherapy

In recent years, great advances have been made in the development of new successful immunotherapies to treat cancer. CAR T-cell therapy and antibody treatments are two types of targeted immunotherapies that have revolutionised areas of cancer care.