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The Mona Lisa Effect: How Eyespots Deter Predators That Approach From Different Directions

Chicks are intimidated by eyespots that appear to gaze at them, providing an explanation for why eyespots are often symmetrical

Symbiotic Fungi Transform Terpenes From Spruce Resin Into Attractants For Bark Beetles

When metabolizing spruce bark, the insect’s fungal partners release volatile compounds that bark beetles recognize through specialized olfactory sensory neurons

Reprogramming Of Immune Cells Shown To Fight Off Melanoma

A new way of reprogramming our immune cells to shrink or kill off cancer cells has been shown to work in the otherwise hard to treat and devastating skin cancer, melanoma.

Scientists Detect Seismic Surface Waves On Planet Other Than Earth For First Time

Following two large meteorite impacts on Mars, researchers have observed, for the first time, seismic waves propagating along the surface of a planet other than Earth.

NASA Detects Stunning Meteoroid Impact On Mars

NASA’s InSight lander recorded a magnitude 4 marsquake on Christmas Eve, 2021, but scientists learned only later from orbiter images the cause of that quake: a meteoroid strike estimated to be one of the biggest seen on Mars since NASA began exploring the cosmos.

Concern Over Unregulated High Street Health Checks That May Be Putting Extra Pressure On The NHS

An investigation by the British Medical Journal (BMJ), highlights companies are offering private blood tests for a range of conditions and deficiencies, with some making misleading claims, not backed by evidence, and leaving an already overworked NHS to follow up “abnormal results".

Insects Affect Electric Fields In The Atmosphere, Researchers Find

The electric charge of insects can cause changes in the electricity of the atmosphere which are comparable with weather processes, researchers at the University of Bristol and University of Reading have found.

Timely Study On Rising Groundwater Offers Hope For Drought-Stricken East Africa

New research indicates better groundwater supply management could hold the key to help combat the impact of climate change in East Africa, where countries are currently facing the worst drought and food insecurity in a generation.

Bristol Researchers Make Important Breakthrough In Quantum Computing

Researchers from the University of Bristol, quantum start-up, Phasecraft and Google Quantum AI have revealed properties of electronic systems that could be used for the development of more efficient batteries and solar cells.

Ratio Shift Of Protein In Brain Cells Causes Changes Underlying Early Cognitive Decline, New Discovery Shows

Early cognitive decline may result from a shift in the ratio of a protein sub-type in our brain cells triggering cell-loss.

Seaweed-Based Battery Powers Confidence In Sustainable Energy Storage

Bristol-led team uses nanomaterials made from seaweed to create a strong battery separator, paving the way for greener and more efficient energy storage.

Continuity Of Care Associated With Improved Prescribing For Patients At Risk Of Heart Disease

People at risk of heart disease are more likely to be prescribed relevant medications if they see the same GP over time (known as continuity of care) but not more likely to take their medications (known as adherence), according to researchers at the University of Bristol.

Jurassic Ichthyosaurs Divided Food Resources To Co-Exist, Researchers Find

Early Jurassic ichthyosaur juveniles show predatory specialisations, scientists at the University of Bristol have revealed.

Blood Thinning Drugs Before Removing A Clot In Stroke Patients Improves Death Rates At 90 Days, Study Finds

A new systematic review and meta-analysis by an international group of researchers has found giving a blood thinning drug (thrombolysis) before treatment to remove a clot from the brain - known as thrombectomy procedure - to stroke patients,

What Big Teeth You Have: Tooth Root Surface Area Can Determine Primate Size

An often overlooked feature could give scientists new insight into the lives of ancient primate species.

New Synthesis Process Paves Way for More Efficient Lasers, LEDs

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new process that makes use of existing industry standard techniques for making III-nitride semiconductor materials, but results in layered materials that will make LEDs and lasers more efficient.

Subconscious Bias Drives Negative Attitudes Toward Snakes

Snakes rank among Americans’ top animal phobias, and are among the most disliked animals globally.

Scientists Seen as Trustworthy Experts When Sharing Their Work in Online Videos

Any writer can tell you that who is narrating a story makes a significant difference to the audience.

New Images Lead to Better Prediction of Shear Thickening

For the first time, researchers have been able capture images providing unprecedented details of how particles behave in a liquid suspension when the phenomenon known as shear thickening takes place.

Revealing The Structure Of The Light-Harvesting Phycobilisome Of Cyanobacterium

The structure of light-harvesting antennas in a species of cyanobacteria is revealed, yielding insights into energy transfer mechanisms during photosynthesis