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How the Brain Generates Rhythmic Behavior

MIT neuroscientists have identified an oscillatory circuit that controls the rhythmic movement of mouse whiskers.

Interacting Brains Sync Without Physical Presence

Online gaming and other types of online social interaction have become increasingly popular during the pandemic, and increased remote working and investments in social technology will likely see this trend continue.

Why Does Heat Makes Us Sleepy?

Fruit fly study reveals a thermometer brain circuit promoting midday siesta on hot days

When a Task Adds More Steps, This Brain Circuit Helps You Notice

By tracking feedback during tasks, the anterior cingulate cortex notices when a new step has become necessary and signals the motor cortex to adjust.

Lockdowns Did Not Significantly Affect Young People’s Mental Health

Young people’s mental health has not been affected by the two corona lockdowns, a new study from the University of Copenhagen concludes.

Researchers Reprogram Human Skin Cells to Aged Neurons to Study Neurodegenerative Disorders

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have developed a new method for studying age-related brain disorders.

Brain Imaging Reveals How Mindfulness Program Boosts Pain Regulation

Research at the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Center for Healthy Minds has isolated the changes in pain-related brain activity that follow mindfulness training — pointing a way toward more targeted and precise pain treatment.

Using Smartphones Could Help Improve Memory Skills

Using digital devices, such as smartphones, could help improve memory skills rather than causing people to become lazy or forgetful, finds a new study led by UCL researchers.

Self-Reflection Linked to Improved Late-Life Cognition and Brain Health

Self-reflection is positively associated with cognition late in life as well as glucose metabolism, a marker of brain health, finds a new study led by UCL researchers.

How Robotic Pets Can Help with Memory Care

You might think it was a typical therapy session at a long-term care facility.

Food Stamp Work Requirements Increase Mental Health Care Use

‘These work requirements harm people with no measurable benefit to the economy’

Metaphor and Images Should Be Used Alongside Traditional Medical Scales for Patients to Describe Pain, Study Says

Patients should be able to use images and metaphors alongside traditional medical scales to describe their pain to doctors, a new study says.

Pre-Teen Children Tend to Associate ‘Brilliance’ to Males: Study

Children hold stereotypical views that ‘brilliance’ is a male trait, and this belief strengthens as they grow up to the age of twelve, researchers from Singapore and the United States have reported.

Whether Speaking Turkish or Norwegian, the Brain’s Language Network Looks the Same

Studying speakers of 45 languages, neuroscientists found similar patterns of brain activation and language selectivity.

New Findings Reveal How Neurons Build and Maintain Their Capacity to Communicate

Nerve cells regulate and routinely refresh the collection of calcium channels that enable them to send messages across circuit connections.

Neuroscientists Find New Factors Behind Better Vision

The size of our primary visual cortex and the amount of brain tissue we have dedicated to processing visual information can predict how well we can see, a new study shows.

Researchers Discover How Sound Reduces Pain in Mice

Newly identified brain circuits may point to more effective pain therapies.

International research team uncovers possible therapy for Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder that affects nearly 1 million people in the United States, and more than 10 million worldwide.

UCLA Study Identifies How the Brain Links Memories

Findings suggest HIV drug could combat middle-age memory loss