
Do We Purify Water Effectively? Quality Can Easily Be Improved, Research Shows

For raw water to turn into drinking water, it must go through a process of complex purification which first removes any physical impurities.

Nuclear and Renewable Energy the Way Out of the Current Energy Crisis

In the coming years, the Czech energy sector will be defined by the global geopolitical situation and the related search for alternatives to natural gas as well as the development of nuclear resources.

Latest News

The Potential of Polarography: Advanced Batteries, Medicine, Manufacturing

Polarography, a ground-breaking analytical method in physical chemistry which has found application in dozens of fields, recently celebrated its centenary.

New AMS Lab Will Enable Excavation Dating and Searching for Nuclear Weapons

The most accurate method of nuclear reaction analysis, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), is capable of detecting up to a million times less radionuclides than other methods.

A Single-Layer Material Could Partially Replace Silicon in Electronics

Silicon can be found in cellphones, computers, and other electronic devices. It is the basic material used to make the semiconductors from which electronics components are made.

Regenerative Agriculture the Only Possible Way Forward, European Researchers Agree

The forms of agriculture used today have negative impacts on the environment on a global scale.