Researchers create a mathematical framework to examine the genome and detect signatures of natural selection, deciphering the evolutionary past and future of non-coding DNA.
Horizontal DNA transfer, once thought to be a rare event, has occurred between snakes and frogs at least 54 times in the past 85 million years
For a new plant to grow from a seed, cells need to divide numerous times.
In a new study published in PeerJ -- Reassessment of Faxinalipterus minimus, a purported Triassic pterosaur from southern Brazil resulted in the description of a new taxon -- researchers present Maehary bonapartei a small reptile that is considered to be the most basal of the evolutionary lineage that gave rise to pterosaurs.
New research suggests an unseen 'mirror world' of particles that interacts with our world only via gravity that might be the key to solving a major puzzle in cosmology today
Two-year grant aims to help nurses talk with rural mothers about newborn care, feeding options.
University of Missouri researchers develop method which could be used by scientists when developing new drug therapies for medical treatment of cancers, other diseases.
Scientists at University of Missouri collaborate with Harvard, Georgia Tech to develop a novel diabetes treatment involving transplanting pancreas cells that produce insulin.
A nearly $4.9 million grant from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is supporting the project by University of Missouri engineers.
Keith Herman has found that, in general, offering students more positive encouragement rather than negative reprimands not only reduces disruptive student classroom behavior but can also improve students’ academic and social outcomes.
Following a four-year absence, Girls in Science and Engineering Day returned on April 2, 2022, at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH)
My research has been to create a numerical model of the heat transfer and thermodynamic processes within the liquid-fueled reactor
How sexual conflict evolved and shaped mating behavior in scorpionflies is the subject of a detailed study of three fossils well preserved in amber.
An experimental plant-based jet fuel could increase engine performance and efficiency, while dispensing with aromatics, the pollution-causing compounds found in conventional fuels, according to new research.
With the pervasive single-use masks during the pandemic now presenting an environmental problem, researchers have demonstrated the idea of incorporating old masks into a cement mixture to create stronger, more durable concrete.
t’s hard to tell the difference between a newborn boy and girl based solely on temperament characteristics such as the baby’s propensity to display fear, smile or laugh. But once babies reach around a year old that begins to change.
A wireless, bioelectronic pacifier could eliminate the need for invasive, twice-daily blood draws to monitor babies’ electrolytes in Newborn Intensive Care Units or NICUs.
A new energy-efficient way to produce hydrogen gas from ethanol and water has the potential to make clean hydrogen fuel a more viable alternative for gasoline to power cars.
Birds of a feather not only flock together but also appear to settle down together.
A recent presumed case of monkeypox in Washington state should raise awareness of the virus, but it will not spread as easily as COVID-19, according to Washington State University infectious disease experts.