
Better Neuroscience with quantum computing

Unlike classical computing, which uses bits to represent information as either 0 or 1, quantum computing uses quantum bits, or qubits, which can represent multiple states simultaneously.

A revolutionary patent: a cheap and safe high-capacity battery

Scientists from the Institute of Physics and the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) have developed a new type of rechargeable battery that brings a revolution in technologies. I

Latest News

Research team discovers that millipedes use a sucking pump ingest liquid food

Whether nectar-sucking butterflies or blood-sucking mosquitoes - the ingestion of liquid food has long been known for many insects and other arthropods.

Biodiversity, fisheries conservation benefitted by connected coral reefs

Coral reefs connected by larvae dispersal networks have been found to benefit local fisheries and biodiversity conservation, prompting recommendations to increase the protection of connected reefs.

University of Bristol scientists discover how plants evolved to colonize land more than 500 million years ago

Scientists analysing one of the largest genomic datasets of plants have discovered how the first plants on Earth evolved the mechanisms used to control water and ‘breathe’ on land hundreds of millions of years ago.

Fog detection software helps airlines keep travelers safe

Fog and low stratus clouds over airports can create dangerous travel conditions that result in costly delays and disrupted travel plans.

Cell Brakes: Some Assembly Required

How do speeding cells come to a screeching halt at just the right point within blood vessels?

Yale calorie restriction trial reveals key factors in enhancing human health

Decades of research has shown that limits on calorie intake by flies, worms, and mice can enhance life span in laboratory conditions.

Ice holds evidence of solar storm that occurred thousands of years ago

Through analyzes of ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, a research team led by Lund University in Sweden has found evidence of an extreme solar storm that occurred about 9,200 years ago.

University of Helsinki researchers develop molecule that can help with coronavirus protection

A molecule developed by researchers at the University of Helsinki can inactivate the coronavirus spike protein and offers effective short-term protection against the virus.

Study: Termite size not shrinking as previously thought

Researchers have completed a comprehensive analysis of the head width of over 1,500 species of termites and determined that their size isn’t gradually shrinking at a geological timescale.

A common risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease may predispose carriers to severe COVID-19

A research group at the University of Helsinki and the Helsinki University Hospital (HUS) has investigated the link between the APOE4 allele and the severity of COVID-19 in the Finnish population.

World's oldest family tree discovered with DNA research

By analyzing DNA extracted from the bones and teeth of 35 individuals entombed at Hazleton North long cairn in the Cotswolds-Severn region, the research team was able to detect that 27 of them were close biological relatives.

‘Host’ insects control bacterial populations

A new review discusses how host organisms dominate bacteria populations in their systems to maintain overall health.

A sniff of aggression

Parents of newborns will describe in detail, to anyone willing to listen, the wonder that is their baby’s smell – and they might not be in the wrong.

When algorithms get creative

Uncovering the mechanisms of learning via synaptic plasticity is a critical step towards understanding how our brains function and building truly intelligent, adaptive machines. Researchers from the University of Bern propose a new approach in which algorithms mimic biological evolution and learn efficiently through creative evolution.

Researchers find promising repurposable drugs for COVID-19 treatment

Understanding viral pathogenesis at the molecular level is critical in developing effective therapies for COVID-19.

MicroBooNE team releases results of search for fourth type of neutrino

On Oct. 27, Fleming and other leaders of the international experiment announced the first results of MicroBooNE’s search for an anomaly that could have indicated a fourth type of neutrino, a subatomic particle considered a fundamental building block of matter.

New biomarker with possible ability to predict lung cancer immunotherapy response identified

In order for cancer cells to develop into a severe tumor, they need to be able to escape attack by the patient’s own immune system. This is why immunotherapeutic treatment that helps the immune system to find and fight cancer has emerged as such an important regimen for cancer patients.

NREL, Mines insight could lead to better silicon solar panels

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Colorado School of Mines are applying a new technique to identify defects in silicon solar cells that cause a drop in efficiency.