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McMaster Researchers Trial Potential Hemophilia Treatment

A global study involving McMaster University researchers including (from left to right) Anthony Chan, Davide Matino and Alfonso Iorio has trialled a potential new treatment that could be a game-changer for people living with hemophilia A.

Engineers Devise A Modular System To Produce Efficient, Scalable Aquabots

The system’s simple repeating elements can assemble into swimming forms ranging from eel-like to wing-shaped.

Lockdowns Did Not Significantly Affect Young People’s Mental Health

Young people’s mental health has not been affected by the two corona lockdowns, a new study from the University of Copenhagen concludes. But in the short run, it did suffer temporarily.

McMaster Researchers Find Tobacco Users in Canada Are Exposed to Higher Levels of Cyanide Than Other Regions

Tobacco users in Canada are exposed to higher levels of cyanide than smokers in lower-income nations, according to a large-scale population health study from McMaster University.

New Polymers Could Enable Better Wearable Devices

MIT engineers developed organic polymers that can efficiently convert signals from biological tissue into the electronic signals used in transistors.

Engineers Invent Vertical, Full-Color Microscopic Leds

Stacking light-emitting diodes instead of placing them side by side could enable fully immersive virtual reality displays and higher-resolution digital screens.

Climate Change Made Devastating Early Heat in India and Pakistan 30 Times More Likely

Since the beginning of March, India and Pakistan and large parts of South Asia experienced prolonged heat, that at the time of writing, May 2022, still hasn’t subsided.

How To Make Hydrogels More Injectable

A new computational framework could help researchers design granular hydrogels to repair or replace diseased tissues.

“Spleen-On-A-Chip” Yields Insight Into Sickle Cell Disease

With this microfluidic device, researchers modeled how sickled blood cells clog the spleen’s filters, leading to a potentially life-threatening condition.

When Should Data Scientists Try A New Technique?

A new measure can help scientists decide which estimation method to use when modeling a particular data problem.

Inadequate Access to Harm Reduction Services May Cause Higher Hiv Prevalence Among Women Who Use Drugs in Tanzania

People who use drugs are more affected by HIV compared to the general population in Tanzania. In the last few years, the prevalence of HIV among people who use drugs has decreased but women who use drugs are disproportionately more affected. This may be due to inadequate access to harm reduction services, a new study finds.

MIT Researchers Develop An AI Model That Can Detect Future Lung Cancer Risk

Deep-learning model takes a personalized approach to assessing each patient’s risk of lung cancer based on CT scans.

How To Push, Wiggle, Or Drill An Object Through Granular Material

A method for quickly predicting the forces needed to push objects through "flowable media" could help engineers drive robots or anchor ships.

Are You Aged 40 or Over? in That Case, You Need to Do Heavy Weight Training to Keep Fit

Heavy weight training can help make sure your nerves and muscles continue to work together, and it is never too late to get started. This is the conclusion of a new study from the University of Copenhagen.

Computers That Power Self-Driving Cars Could Be A Huge Driver Of Global Carbon Emissions

Study shows that if autonomous vehicles are widely adopted, hardware efficiency will need to advance rapidly to keep computing-related emissions in check.

Chengdu University of Technology team dates China's oldest dinosaur tracks

Scientists have dated dinosaur tracks in China's Sichuan Basin to 218.4 million years ago, making them the oldest known in China.

MIT researchers study genes that are 'significant contributor' to Alzheimer's

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced that a tea, of researchers published a study that showed key information pertaining to Alzheimer’s disease.

International group of scientists study quasar jets in ground breaking research

An international team of scientists has published observations about the deepest part of a quasar's plasma jet, discovering the inner workings of how the jets collimate.

Ethanol Helps Plants Better Tolerate Heat Stress

Pre-treatment with ethanol activates molecular processes that could allow crops to tolerate a warming world

Bright And Photostable Green Fluorescent Protein Derived From Japanese Jellyfish

A bright fluorescent protein that stays bright under illumination will help researchers image subcellular structures