The University of Zurich and ETH Zurich have established the Wyss Zurich Foundation.
Researchers have developed a new method that uses artificial intelligence to analyze animal behavior.
Bacterial Gene Transfer Agents have distinct DNA packaging machinery
A Dartmouth-led study urges more complete study of harmful cyanobacteria.
Dartmouth 'basic science' research could unlock complex medical challenges.
Prof. Mary Lou Guerinot, Dr. Garo Akmakjian, Guarini '18 and Nabilia Riaz, Guarini '22 have identified proteins that protect plants during iron deficiency.
The forms of agriculture used today have negative impacts on the environment on a global scale.
Like with humans, some newts are capable of “burning” what they consume more quickly than others.
Silicon can be found in cellphones, computers, and other electronic devices. It is the basic material used to make the semiconductors from which electronics components are made.
The internet may appear to work like magic in cyberspace, but it is actually a vast, complex connection of physical networks. Mapping those networks visually has been done in several ways, for example, geographically or by IP space.
Texas could eliminate its carbon pollution in fewer than 30 years
An enzyme variant created by engineers and scientists at The University of Texas at Austin can break down environment-throttling plastics that typically take centuries to degrade in just a matter of hours to days.
A team of University of Texas at Austin researchers has resumed testing Austin’s wastewater for signals of COVID-19 after the Texas Division of Emergency Management gave new funding for the project.
With semiconductor devices and systems now affecting all aspects of daily life, demand for such technologies has soared in recent years.
Misinformation on social media may seem like an intractable problem
Researchers from the Oden Institute and Jackson School of Geosciences have developed an improved model for planet-wide groundwater flow prediction on Mars that is not only more accurate but, according to its author, more elegant too.
The Gary L. Thomas Energy Building fuels opportunities for new discoveries.
The Phytophtora species are devastating plant pathogens, responsible for billions of dollars of crop damage yearly. Understanding exactly how their zoospores swim at high speed is important in controlling their spread.
Global warming can result in the spread of peatland vegetation in the Arctic. An international research group has discovered signs of ‘proto-peat’, which may be the beginning of new peatlands.
During the early months of the pandemic, when on-site management activities were on hold due to lockdowns, fires inside protected areas in Madagascar increased very dramatically by 76-248 %, compared to levels expected from patterns in previous years.