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Phase Transitions in the Early Universe and Their Signals

A Helsinki research team has demonstrated how an early universe phase transition will lead to gravitational wave signals potentially visible in the upcoming satellite missions.

Finland's First Science Satellite, Foresail-1, Is Ready for Space

The satellite and its key instruments will launch in summer 2022.

4 billion-year-old relic from early solar system heading our way

But we’re in no danger, UCLA professor David Jewitt assures

New York cosmologist leads study that uses AI analysis of one galaxy to infer properties of others

Galaxies have many different features such as stellar mass, gas metallicity and star-formation rate. To study these properties, cosmologists have traditionally studied a wide diversity of galaxies.

ASU scientists use satellites in space to measure coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef

Off the coast of Australia, the sixth wonder of the world sits below the waves, both beautiful and critical to our planet.

‘Bubble-through’ nuclear engine might be a future NASA workhorse

A cutting-edge nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) rocket engine using what’s called centrifugal liquid fuel bubble-through could one day be a ticket for NASA to go directly into deep space.

UAH looks beyond the sky again with central space science role in two NASA missions

Fresh off successful direct involvement in NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and Parker Solar Probe (PSP) in roles that included optics, hardware, software, testing analytics, computational modeling and big data processing and dissemination, The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) is looking beyond the sky again.

UArizona to help NASA understand solar wind and plasma with HelioSwarm mission

Most visible matter in the universe exists as plasma, and NASA has funded a new mission to study this state of matter that's rarely found on Earth.

Greenhouse gases have had no significant impact on Alabama’s weather, UAH scientist’s report says

A new report by Alabama State Climatologist and University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) professor Dr. John Christy says that increasing greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere have had no significant impact on the State of Alabama.

New image reveals mysterious strands in the Milky Way's center

An unprecedented new telescope image of the Milky Way galaxy’s turbulent center has revealed nearly 1,000 mysterious strands, inexplicably dangling in space.

Ice holds evidence of solar storm that occurred thousands of years ago

Through analyzes of ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, a research team led by Lund University in Sweden has found evidence of an extreme solar storm that occurred about 9,200 years ago.

Red supergiant’s final stages captured by astronomers

For the first time ever, astronomers have imaged in real time the dramatic end to a red supergiant’s life — watching the massive star’s rapid self-destruction and final death throes before collapsing into a type II supernova.

Webb telescope launch opens new era in deep space astronomy

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's 14,300-pound James Webb Space Telescope, launched into space Dec. 25, 2021, aboard a French Ariane 5 rocket from the European Spaceport at Kourou in French Guiana. This heralds a new chapter in deep space astronomy.

Parker Solar Probe breakthrough gives scientists hard data to solve a solar puzzle

Scientists are closer to solving a solar heating puzzle using direct data now that NASA’s Parker Solar Probe (PSP), on which The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) teamed to develop an instrument suite to directly measure particles from the solar wind, has for the first time entered a region never before explored.

A spacecraft has “touched” the sun for the first time

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe crossed into the sun’s atmosphere on April 28, researchers report in Physical Review Letters

Super-bright stellar explosion is likely a dying star giving birth to a black hole or neutron star

The discovery, based on an unusual event dubbed “the Cow,” may offer astronomers a new way to spot infant compact objects.

Titan’s river maps may advise Dragonfly’s sedimental journey

With future space exploration in mind, a Cornell-led team of astronomers has published the final maps of Titan’s liquid methane rivers and tributaries – as seen by NASA’s late Cassini mission – so that may help provide context for Dragonfly’s upcoming 2030s expedition.

Ocean life helps produce clouds, but existing clouds keep new ones at bay

Stand on the ocean’s shore and take a big whiff of the salt spray and you’ll smell the unmistakably pungent scent of the sea. That ripe, almost rotting smell? That’s sulfur.

Research in brief: UNLV astronomers may have discovered first planet to orbit 3 stars

Press release: Potential discovery of a circumtriple planet has implications for bolstering our understanding of planet formation.

Studying how quark-gluon plasma evolved into matter

Scientists have reported new clues to solving a cosmic conundrum: How the quark-gluon plasma – nature’s perfect fluid – evolved into matter.